Interview with Mr. Jyotirmoy Banerjee, Founder & Director - Lex Assisto
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1. Tell us about yourself
I am, Jyotirmoy Banerjee, Professionally, the Founder & Director of Lex Assisto: A Step Towards Legal Assistance and Chief Advisor of National Association for Legal Aid & Development (NALAD). It’s been almost 3 years been working with more than 6 NGOs across India interms of providing them with legal assistance, support, team building, initiating different legal workshop, campaigns and majorly providing Pro Bono Legal Aid in an effective and practical manner. From the 2nd year of law, I was more inclined towards working with different NGOs and Organization who was trying to make a significant impact for the betterment of the society in an effective manner.
2.How did the idea for your business come about?
The idea of Lex Assisto came from one of the Incident of my personal life, when one of my friend’s father expired due to heavy debt, and he was charged with different provisions of law. He was further taken to jail and his family was threatened a lot and was harassed mentally too. It was a very pathetic situation, as they were lacking monetary support no one was there to help due to which when one fine day when his father was out on bail he actually committed suicide which ruined the whole life of his family. After few days, my friend’s mother also passed away in her husband’s mental agony.
It made a major impact over my mind, which gave the birth of Lex Assisto, to work more upon Pro Bono Legal Aid, not only in respect to providing Legal Advice and Opinion but also to assure that every person can avail their right completely, to fight for their right and never feel alone when it comes to seek justice.
The birth of National Association For Legal Aid & Development (NALAD) was the result of Lex Assisto’s hard work and dedication. We decided to make a young team of law students, lawyers and professionals to provide legal aid and justice to each and every individual in which the law students can also be a part of this cause from the very first year. Our strategies, implementations, programs will help them to make every law student and professional to give their 100% starting from the day when they start their journey in Law.
3. Can you tell us about your venture Lex Assisto & NALAD?
Lex Assisto is an independent and interactive platform where we simplify the legal process and assist people in the finest and most effective manner. We make legal experience unique by rendering services of high quality, cost- effective and on demand for every need. We the people of Lex Assisto are actively involved in spreading legal awareness, legal education and legal information and providing effective pro bono legal aid assistance across the country which is used as a tool for advancement of public good and legal assistance. We are a technology driven platform aiming to promote a rule of law and social justice across the nation by providing free legal aid and legal assistance to the underprivileged and needy people.
Whereas, National Association For Legal Aid & Development, have been amongst the finest where every individual unites to provide effective and practical legal aid for the people of our society. We care for the people to understand the pain and work accordingly. We at NALAD, make every single day for the people by providing legal education, awareness and support in whatsoever format it is required by the people of our society.
4. What are the challenges you faced till date and presently facing?
The biggest challenge faced both by Lex Assisto & NALAD, is the trust by the people of our society. These people have faced a lot of problems, either it can be mental, monetary, physical or problems faced by the pressure of the society. In this situation it’s hard to make them trust that we are the one to help you out even at your extreme worst condition.
People have told us that many institution, organization, and law students come in our basti, society, homes in the sake of providing legal aid and support but it’s just a show off or to gain publicity or the university or college pressure. They neither help nor support it’s just a one day show for them.
But I would appreciate some of the universities who are actively working very hard with full dedication and enthusiasm. I have witnessed the students of NLSIU from the very first year work with the legal aid cell and has played a vital role in their area, by filing major PIL, running campaign, workshop, providing regular education to children.
When our team of young lawyers, law students and professionals visit different basti, village and other places for survey, making report, collecting ground reality information it was witnessed that, once a person asked a question to one of our lawyer “Babu ji, ap sach mai hamari sahayta karenge toh bataye warna hamein apna dukh kisi se nai batna!”
This is the biggest challenge because people in our society are making a fun of Legal Aid. Our organization provides effective and efficient legal aid to the people of our society.
5. What was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur?
I had always followed the teaching of Acharya Chanakya who was an ancient Indian teacher, philosopher, economist, jurist and royal advisor and Swami Vivekanand who was an Indian Hindu monk, a chief disciple of the 19th-century. I must say to do something good for the society is the reason of the teaching I received from reading 100’s of book of Swami Vivekanand and following the path of Acharya Chanakya. The buring desire to do something good and effective for the people of my country made me into this. I will surely come with more such initiatives, programs, start-ups and lots more to show the right path to the people of our society.
6. How did you raise funding for your venture?
With the support of parents, by the hardwork of my team of young professionals, and by the support of different legal professionals gave it a rise to make it effective and successful. We have not taken any external funding till now.
7. How do you build a successful customer base?
I must say we did not find the way to find any customer base, but for this cause there are many people in the society who are waiting for you just to find and help them in the most successful and effective manner. In this our team of lawyers has played a vital role in maintaining the same.
8. How do you market your business, and which tactics have been most successful?
The most successful tactic been followed by our organization is to give your 100% efforts to make it right and the rest will be done by your client, or the people of our society. It all depends on the way your work, you don’t require promoting specifically about your work. We totally focus on the way we work, much more professionally, effectively and sincerely. Rest is been done by the people of our society.
9. What kind of culture exists in your organization, and how did you establish it?
We always have one thing in mind that whosoever comes to use for help, support, guidance or any need, each and every one of our organization should be ready to provide the best service and support to every individual. We carry a culture to be the best when it comes to help others, as we know that every single person can help anyone who is need that might be in any form or manner.
10. How do you generate new ideas?
New ideas are just another problem of the society, which we witness people facing in their daily life after which we dedicate all our concern and strength to solve and make out the best solution for the same.
11. What are your ideals?
My ideal for Lex Assisto & NALAD has always been, one of the quote, quoted by Swami Vivekanand which was “Arise! Awake! And Stop Not Until The Goal Is Reached”. This has always helped me to be focused, dedicated and much stronger when it comes to achieve and to be focused towards my goal.
12. How do you define success?
Success! Trust me it’s the funniest part of one’s life. When someone ask me this question that how I define success, The only think I believe is, that Success are those hurdles which comes in your life & when you are dedicated to achieve your goal or mission, the number of hurdles which can also be called as problems, barriers, hard times & many more, if you cross them with all your strength and power every time. The more successful person you are.
It might come in a day, might be every weak or even every hour but you only have to focus in what path you wanna move forward and make that happen. It might take few years but when you will achieve it that might be the happiest moment of your life.
13. Do you believe there is some sort of pattern or formula to becoming a successful entrepreneur?
There might be some pattern for every entrepreneur, but the thing which everyone should keep in mind is to keep solving the problems of the people for whom you are working, and with time your pattern and strategies will change.
14. What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?
I think my only favorite aspect about being an entrepreneur, is that among the 100’s of Crore people in your country you can be the one to solve one of the biggest problems of Lakhs of people for which 100’s of Crore people will remember you for your work, this is something which boost me up every single hour.
15. What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
The most satisfying moment in Lex Assisto has been the moment when our team of professional assisted a family to bring his kid out a false case of POCSO and as the family was very poor and unable to give us any amount, they requested us to come to their place for a small dinner. And during the dinner the blessing, peace and mental strength that we received was the best moment for Lex Assisto till now.
I must say these moments cannot be measured by the profit, money or financial strength but for whatsoever purpose Lex Assisto is working, it’s an asset for our organization.
16. What entrepreneurial tricks have you discovered to keep you focused and productive in your day-to-day busy schedule?
There is only a quote me and my team follows, i.e. “Life Is Short, Time Is Fast, No Replay, No Rewind, So Work Every Moment As It Comes”
17. Who has been your greatest inspiration?
There has been two great personalities in my life as my Inspiration, i.e. Swami Vivekananda & Acharya Chanakya.
18. Any message for future entrepreneur
I must say, I have seen many people coming with a passion but soon they end up being disappointed. I request every person who reads my journey or even if they wish to become an entrepreneur then they must find one reason to start the journey and should live & work with a burning desire.
Nothing without a burning desire will make you successful & dedicated towards your work.
For any assistance reach us at: www.lexassisto.com | www.nalad.co.in